by Louis Bignami

Discover 52 Wonderful Weekends in Northern California.

Whether you enjoy a luxurious weekend for two in a honeymoon hotel, a canoe trip down the Sacramento River, shopping for the exotic in San Francisco (a ship in a bottle, Ansel Adams photographs, seeds to start you own rain forest), or tracking a band of wild horses, you'll find the right weekend idea in 52 Northern California Weekends.

Written by one of America's most respected names in travel publishing, this guide covers key destinations within a day's drive of the San Francisco Bay area. Filled with practical and little-known tips, such as how to schedule trips early and late in the day and how to avoid the crowds, this unique travel guide offers fresh suggestions for every weekend of the year. Presented in a seasonal approach, you are invited to experience dozens of weekend get-aways, including:

  • Visiting California's largest freshwater lake, Clear Lake
  • Experiencing an uncrowded alternative to Napa Valley, the valleys of Alexander and Dry Creek
  • Panning gold in the streams around Happy Camp
  • Hopping aboard the "Suntan Special" train Santa Cruz
  • Schedule a round of 18 holes at golfers' heaven, the Monterey Peninsula
  • Relax at the most romantic hideaway in the region, Point Richmond

Fourth-generation, native Californian Lou Bignami grew up in the bay area, graduated from The University of California, Berkeley, and spent much of his youth exploring Northern California. A full-time travel writer and publisher, Lou is the author of Country Towns of Northern California.

52 Northern California Weekends - 178 pages $12.95. Please add $3.50 priority mail and handling. Foreign shipping $8.

Louis Bignami
E-mail at editor@finetravel.com

(autographed on request)